Beijing shelf price maintenance of the main points of attention to what
Every business in the purchase of equipment is not a small number of cost, maintenance equipment, to extend the life of equipment, but the company to save much money, warehouse shelf equipment is essential equipment in the enterprise, the following we will introduce the main maintenance warehouse shelf equipment:
(1) the neat tools, accessories, work pieces (products) shall be placed neatly, piping and wiring shall be organized;
(2) inside and outside of the equipment are clean the whole mining machinery cleaning, the sliding surface, a screw rod, a rack, a gear box, oil hole and no oil, no leakage of the various parts, do not leak, peripheral cutting debris, debris, dirt mechanical engineer to clean;
(3) good lubrication regular refueling or oil, oil constantly, stemless phenomena of friction, oil pressure is normal, standard oil of bright, smooth circuit oil with Tianjin Machinery requirements, gun, cup, linoleum clean;
(4) safety compliance with safety operation procedures, without the use of equipment, equipment and equipment to protect the safety of machinery and equipment are complete and reliable, timely elimination of unsafe factors.
Above is the warehouse shelf equipment through the cleaning, cleaning, lubrication, adjustment and other general methods of equipment to care, in order to maintain and protect the construction machinery performance and technical conditions. At the same time, I hope to pay attention to equipment maintenance, equipment related to the interests of the enterprise.
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Tags: shelves, heavy shelves, shelf manufacturers, heavy warehouse shelves